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Frequently Asked Questions


Saint Jeanne’s provides an environment that is age-appropriate and conducive to learning and personal growth within a modern facility. It is a nurturing and Christ-centered atmosphere that welcomes and celebrates student racial, religious, and ethnic diversity. This creates a supportive community in which mutual encouragement motivates student learning and achievement and cultivates maturity, resilience, and self-discipline.

Spirituality & Faith Formation

We treasure the opportunity to prepare our children in mind and spirit during the most formative and impressionable time of their lives so that they can live lives full of hope, joy, and inspiration. Our school tagline “Education in life and for life” concretely expresses that each day our students have the opportunity to put their values to use–today and for a lifetime. This occurs and is constantly reinforced not only in classes of religious instruction, but throughout the curriculum and extracurricular activities.

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School formally prepares its students for the reception of the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Parents may contact their parish for specific information regarding reception of these sacraments, or choose to receive these sacraments with their peers at Saint Thomas More. These sacraments will be celebrated at liturgies at the end of the school year. The dates are determined by the parish administrators of Saint Thomas More catechetical program.


Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School is fully accredited through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the Western Catholic Educational Association, and is affiliated with the Diocese of Orange.

The following areas of instruction are taught in all grade levels at Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School:

  • Religion
  • English Language Arts - (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Language)
  • Mathematics 
  • Science (Next Generation Science Standards)
  • Social Studies 
  • Spanish
  • Physical Education 
  • Independent Reading
  • Fine Arts (Art and Music)


Catholic schools are renowned for their strict disciplinary policies, and Saint Jeanne’s is no exception. We maintain a strict yet fair and consistent behavior policy through effective feedback techniques designed to help children understand their actions and their consequences. With a foundation built on 400 years of educational experience, the school has shown that teaching children to take responsibility for and reflect on their behavior leads to the development of mature and conscientious adults.

Community Service

Saint Jeanne’s exemplifies the importance of living the message of Jesus Christ by helping others. All of our students participate in community service projects, giving them an opportunity to serve those in need and support their less fortunate brothers and sisters.

By choosing to send your child to Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School, you are providing for them a unique opportunity to develop a personal and loving relationship with Christ while striving to achieve high academic standards. All parents desire this for their children.

How do I set up a tour of the school?

A virtual or private tour can be scheduled by contacting our Admissions Team Member, Veronica Flores ([email protected]), calling the school office at 714.542.4271 or clicking HERE.

How do I apply for admissions?

The admissions process for the coming school year is currently open and spaces are available for all grade levels.

The process for admissions and enrollment to Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School:

  1. Parents can call 714-542-4271 to schedule a virtual or in-person tour of the school or click HERE
  2. Parents/guardians must first register online.
  3. Once registered, all new students must present the most recent standardized test scores and report card as part of the evaluation (where applicable).
  4. Preschool students must be three years of age by September 1st and potty trained. Prekindergarten must be four years of age by September 1st and potty trained. Kindergarten students must be five years of age by September 1st. First-grade students must be six years of age by September 1st.
  5. Parents agree to actively support the spiritual, academic, and financial standards of the school, as well as all school rules and regulations. All forms and fees must be completed and signed before enrollment is final. The registration fee and the re-registration fee are non-refundable.
  6. Immunization records must be complete and up-to-date. Students entering Kindergarten are required to show documentation of their five-year exam. Students entering grade 7 must present documentation of a recent DTAP, Pertussis Vaccination.
  7. New students are on academic probation for the first trimester and can be dismissed for not complying with the policies of the school. Parents will be notified by the administration in a timely manner regarding any situation that will compromise their child's permanent enrollment during the probation period.

What are the age requirements to attend Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School?

  • Preschool students must be three years of age by September 1st and potty trained.
  • PreKindergarten students must be four years of age by September 1st and potty trained.
  • Kindergarten students must be five years of age by September first.
  • First-grade students must be six years of age by September first.

Does Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School participate in standardized testing?

Benchmark testing is administered to all Kindergarten through Eighth-grade students four times a year. The benchmark assessment is used to determine both strengths and weaknesses within grade-level/subject areas, as well as give guidance to our curriculum team and teachers in the development of differentiated instruction and tasks related to Learning Goals in all grade levels.

What is the class size?

Preschool and Prekindergarten classes are limited to 24 children per class, with two full-time instructors. Currently in kindergarten through 8th grade, the average class size is approximately 18-20 students and the maximum class size is 25 students.

What are the school hours?

Supervision of students begins at 7:30 am. The school bell for kindergarten through 8th grade rings at 8:00 am. School is dismissed at 3:00 pm.

Is before and after school extended care available?

  • Extended Care is offered daily from 3:15 – 5:30 for all Saint Jeanne students.
  • Extended care is included in the monthly tuition for all students in Preschool through Kindergarten.

Does the school offer tuition assistance?

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac actively seeks ways to provide financial assistance to families that meet specific criteria. The school works directly with FACTS Tuition Services/Grant & Aid Assessment. This is an independent, third party company that conducts financial analysis to determine your family’s financial needs. Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School’s Scholarship Committee receives a confidential report outlining your financial situation based on the information obtained in your application and supporting tax documents. Once you have completed the online application and paid the $30 fee, you will be able to log on to to check the status of your application

Where do eighth grade students attend high school once they graduate?

The majority of our 8th grade graduating students enroll in one of the Catholic high schools, but also have the option of attendance at one of the many quality public high schools in our area:

  • Mater Dei High School (co-ed) in Santa Ana
  • Servite High School (all boys) in Anaheim
  • Rosary High School (all girls) in Fullerton
  • Crean Lutheran High School (co-ed) in Irvine
  • Cornelia Connelly High School (all girls) in Anaheim
  • Santa Margarita High School (co-ed) in Rancho Santa Margarita
  • JSerra Catholic High School (co-ed) in San Juan Capistrano
  • Orange Lutheran High School (co-ed) in Orange
  • Troy Tech (co-ed) in Fullerton
  • Foothill High School in Tustin
  • Northwood High School in Irvine
  • Beckman High School in Irvine 

Tuition & Fees Information 

What are the volunteering requirements?

Parents are only required to volunteer 1 hour at our annual May Festival, but parents are strongly encouraged to assist the school.

Is there a required fundraising commitment for each family?

Our annual, and largest fundraiser, is the May Festival. All students are required to sell at least one book of raffle tickets, and parents are required to volunteer at least one hour in their child’s class booth the day of the festival.  Other obligatory fundraisers are the Fall Fundraiser/Auction or the Golf Tournament Dinner/Auction, which alternate each year. For these events, families are required to donate a gift for the auction valuing $125 or more (If the family opts out of donating a gift, there is a $125.00 commitment)



Arrangements for a personal conference with a particular teacher may be made by means of an email, or by a telephone call to the school office. Teachers are given messages and respond at their earliest convenience. Parents are encouraged to utilize the online Learning Management System to prepare for a meeting with the teacher. Teachers are not usually available for a conference between 3:00 and 3:15 PM because they are supervising the dismissal of their students or leading them to sign in for Daycare.

Administration Team Members:

Arrangements for a personal conference with the principal or other members of the Administration may be made by calling the school office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, email or coming into the office to arrange an appointment. At least one member of the Administration is usually available in the office for urgent, walk-in appointments.

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